Tekno Woman.

Tekno is one of the few Nigerian artists capable of making vibe-able woke music. Anyone can sit somewhere and say the artist writes trash lyrics — lyrics that don’t make sense — but that’s a blatant lie.

For a subject that complex and polarising, Tekno seemed to navigate those sensitive territory with swagger. “Woman” is Tekno’s acknowledgement of changing gender roles.

The singer’s ideal woman is modern and capable of calling shots anywhere. Tekno shrinks known cultural contexts like the suppression of women’s ambition to their culinary capacity into sweet lyrics you stop to ruminate on in the middle of a dance.

While Tekno’s ability to tell stories go well in this song, he falters in maintaining his particular line. The artist wants a celebratory dance from the woman. How Tekno switches from being self-aware to being completely distracted is something worth looking at.

In the video of “Woman”, Tekno opens with the frame of him handling a pastel and dabbing a canvas. The artist knows what he is doing and he does it well.

“Woman” is a suitable international women’s day song.

Watch the video of “Woman” below:

Tekno Woman