Tomi Thomas is vibrating on a higher frequency than the rest of us, the singer catches pockets and finds melodies that mere mortals have no choice but to be in awe of when we listen.

On “Platinum God”, the singer transitions from a seductive dancehall star to a trash-talking rapper with supersonic speed and consummate ease. It’s almost as though there were 2 otherworldly beings on the same song, not one. He talks up his lover boy credentials and details his legendary sex-capades, you know, Tomi’s favorite topic.

But Tomi revels not only in his supernatural powers in bed but also in the very stuff he’s made of. Unlike most artists, his value or his success isn’t in any chain he might choose to buy and wear, it’s in him.

Platinum God, Gold God, Rose Gold God, White Gold God
Fuck around and we gon’ stump the whole yard
Feeling so blessed, I got my pope on
Energize the strip, I’m a proton

The song is off Tomi’s Black Couch EP which was released last year. Nelson EGH directed the video that’s so laid back, you see the singer munching on a bag with of Lay’s chip. The video only features Tomi and doesn’t distract you from the message the Platinum God is trying to pass across.

Enjoy below and be sure to share.