Every memory isn’t supposed to be documented and put on the ‘gram or on SnapChat, especially when you’ve been in the game as long as Cynthia Morgan has been and you’ve built strong ties to Corporate Nigeria.
We live in an era when everybody is walking around with powerful camera phones and we are constantly updating the world on the goings-on in our day-to-day lives, even when they didn’t ask us. But over-documenting our fun experiences can deprive us of savoring the moment and also, the pictures of what you did last night may not look too good on your sponsor’s desk in the morning.
The truth is that the day-to-day life of a music star will make many 9-to-5’ers and suit-n-tie guys very uncomfortable and Cynthia knows that, that’s probably the reason why, on her latest single “No Cameras”, she’s having a party in her apartment but she’s asked everyone in attendance to put their shutters away – it’s about to go down.
There’s a reason for the ban on cameras, and it makes perfect sense:
I ain’t tryna fuck up my endorsements
So I say no cameras, please
Cynthia’s latest single was produced by Ayzed and sees her experimenting with trap music without losing any of her trademark edge, even christening herself the female Jagaban and boasting about being the life of a very rowdy and cloudy party. The song features Phyno, who comes through with a verse on the back end.
Listen to the booming tune below:
By all indications Cynthia has moved on from Jude Okoye’s Northside Music and has started her own label Madrina Records. Expect another record to follow shortly.