The good people at 5ive music publishing company interviewed our very own Chiagoziem this past week. In the interview, he talked about improvements in the music industry in Africa in the last few years, challenges still facing the industry today and specific ways in which things can be improved.

According to Chiagoziem –

We’ve gone from major record labels and publishing companies only wanting to do business in South Africa and the North Africa region, to almost everyone one on the continent being given a fair shot to go global.

Speaking on diversifying income streams, he shared –

If we are not able to benefit maximally from other sources of revenue such as publishing, touring and merchandise, it’s hard to build long term wealth and have sustainable businesses.

I always joke that over a 30-35 year career, there are still way too many 9-to-5 jobs that would pay you better than being a musician in Africa, with an average career peak of 3-5 years, if you’re lucky.

On the vision of Filter Free, he said –

I like what Osagie Alonge is doing (with quality control) . My prayer is that our platform Filter Free (shameless plug) will rise high enough to keep people like him company in that quality control space.

Chiagoziem said quite a number of insighful things, please read the entire interview here.

5ive Music is an African music publishing company that exploits publishing rights for artistes and songwriting talent. The company is located in and operated out of Nigeria, the Nigerian office oversees the African market and projects the content from Nigeria to the African diaspora in international territories.