The video to Brymo’s quintessential video for “Heya!” off his just released album, Oṣó, has generated controversy across the web since its release.

While  some people condemned the video because of its supposed glorification of nudity, a lot of people believe the choice was justifiable and even apt.

Brymo himself, according to a Pulse report, has this to say about the video:

“For those who disagree with the image, I understand that they have forgotten how people dressed across the continent many centuries ago, or they couldn’t fit the costume to the story in the song.”

Brymo said he decided to dress that way to depict African civilisation before the arrival of Western Civilisation to the Nubian continent.

“I decided to appear how my forebears dressed before the arrival of civilisation to Nubian continent.”

He continued:

“We have all seen the costume in many movies, “Heya!” was my own representation of that age; A bushman in the city, that’s my image of most black Africans of today. Although we reside in cities, we are still villagers in our thoughts and actions.”


Watch the controversial video here: