Mr Eazi will drop his new mixtape, Life is Eazi Vol.2: Lagos to London 9th of November. The rollout for Life is Eazi Vol.2: Lagos to London began several months ago.

The project will be sequel to Mr Eazi’s first installment, Life is Eazi Vol. 1: Lagos to Accra. The artist announced the upcoming release via Instagram last night.

While what appeared to be the cover art of the project is out, the tracklist is yet to be unveiled. However, it is expected to be released before the project itself is released.

In one of the roll out posts, Mr Eazi wrote he is painting everywhere yellow.

“It’s not joking stuffs. I’m painting everywhere yellow this month!” Mr Eazi wrote.

He went on to announce the project would be available in 8 days. In another post, he wrote it was due to unveil the mixtape cover.

“Time to share the official mixtape cover.”

When the rollout for the project first began, Eazi had first called it an “album”. Although, recently Life is Eazi Vol.2: Lagos to London is now referred to as an album.

The first installment was also referred to as a mixtape. Vol. 2 will not be different, Eazi has made it obvious in the rollouts.

If Life is Eazi Vol.2: Lagos to London were released on the 9th of November, it would mean the Banku Music executive is yet to have an official debut album.

Life is Eazi Vol.2 will be released independently under Banku Music, Mr Eazi said.

Mr Eazi: Appreciation

“Wanna thank everyone for their support since December 2015,” the artist wrote in his latest rollout post.

“Your support has enabled my music move from Accra to Lagos; seen me tour the world; live my dreams; and in the last six months, the journey has precisely gone from Lagos to London from playing dream festivals to multiple chart appearances.

“I have put together this mixtape to share sonic vibes that reflect this journey.”

Earlier album tracklist scrapped

In October, Mr Eazi posted a proposed tracklist for the mixtape. Most of the tracks on that list may not scale.

The size of the mixtape is expected to not be more than 10 songs.

Until the official tracklist is released, the lineup of song will remain unclear.