Mr. Eazi was never quiet about his affiliation with Ghana. Nigerians find this somewhat disconcerting. How could he be stanning for Ghana today and doing same for Nigeria tomorrow?  

Mayorkun has bantered Mr. Eazi’s over his Ghanaian affiliation recently. Kun and Eazi exchanged the banter in a video available on Instablog today.

Mr. Eazi seems to derive so much fun in this duality. He tells Mayorkun in the video that he was born in Nigeria.

Mayorkun then responds “hey hey, I no dey for this your patriotism thing. Today you be Ghana, tomorrow you be London.”

Mayorkun then says to him, “you’re confused.” as their banter continued. Mr. Eazi still continued to make case for his Nigerian-ness.

Eazi was seen hopping about, a little smile escaping at the side of his face.