We were first introduced to Asa Asika in 2012 as Davido’s first manager but now the 25 year old has grown into his own in the industry. The young entrepreneur recently sat down with Loose Talk podcast to chat about managing OBO, his family background and his new ventures.

Asa says he met Davido while they were both in secondary school at a talent competition that DRB Lasgidi also competed in, disclosing that Davido was indeed part of a group before.   

David was in a group called “Iceberg”, they actually won the competition but David was the standout guy. I think it was in 2006.

A group? Talent competition? Who would have thunk it? While acknowledging that they’re both from privileged backgrounds, he explained his frustration with people who think that it made them the men that they are today.

I get really offended when people say David –  just came with money. It’s not as if David and I are going to sit down and start explaining to you.

But compared to artists that were signed to labels and had people guiding them and stuff, we were doing it by ourselves and at that point, our parents didn’t support it… The saving point was that we got a big song (Back When) so fast.

Asa shot down rumors that he paid his cousin Naeto C a reported N1 million to feature on the record, admitting that they were so cash-strapped in the early years that they couldn’t even afford a studio engineer to tidy up “Dami Duro” and were forced to use B_Red as a fill-in.

Bayo (B_Red) was in the studio and started recording him. Remember the point in the song where he goes – how far now? It’s because Bayo is recording but Bayo doesn’t really know what to do.

Asa insists that his relationship with Davido is still in tact even though they’ve both moved on in their careers. According to him the pop star has recorded 3 singles for his international roll out under Sony Music and they’re all bangers. Asa also spoke about his new ventures – Star Gaze his management company and Jungle Global – his digital marketing and distribution company and hinted at plans to set up a live events platform within the next 12 months.

Listen to the entire 1 hour conversation below.

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