Brymo has been teasing his next album since the second quarter of 2019. Now, it’s drawing closer to the release date of the project.
The project was initially codenamed “Project 2020”. Now, the artist has announced the official name of the album.
It’s called Yellow.
Yellow will be Brymo’s 7th studio album when it’s released on the 1st of April, 2020. The project could also be the singer’s last studio album.
Seeing as he released a live album last year and another collaborative project with similar inkling, Yellow might usher the singer into an era of making full live music.
Brymo is yet to announce the tracklist and album cover for this project. However, there are signs that the project could be as long as 15 songs, about 3/4 songs longer than his last three projects.
He has already provided a framework for what to expect in the project: Yellow will have 3 parts, almost similar to his label debut The Son Of A Kapenta.
Tickets are now on sale for the singer’s next concert which will hold at the Terrakulture arena on the 28th of March, 2020.
Brymo hinted that he would perform a few songs from that album at the concert.
Get the tickets for the concert at Allevents.