Show Dem Camp’s Palmwine Music Fest is arguably one of the best concerts which held in Nigeria in 2017. From the hosts of impressive young artists who performed at the event to the more established acts, it is simply a value for money concert. Palmwine Music Festival left its audience deeply satisfied. However, the festival was plagued by its terrible adherence to time. Take that away and you have a masterpiece.
In our photo-story, we bring you some key moments from the Show Dem Camp (SDC) Palmwine Music Fest 2017 edition:

Sensational rap artist, PayBac, opens the “Catch A Vibe” segment of the event with very energetic performances of his singles: “Demons” and “Mami Wata”. The rapper has done several individual and collaborative works with other young rappers. His latest effort, The Iboro Tape, is on popular streaming platforms. Follow him on Twitter @talktopaybac

Next Up was Shakes Baba, who engaged festival goers with a highly interactive performance of his trap single, “Sauce”. The young rapper’s performance at the Palmwine Music Fest 2017 is an addition to other public appearances including those at The 90’s Baby Sound Off and Lucid Lemons’ Curd 2.0.

After the performers rounded off the “Catch The Vibe” session, the audience thinned slightly to catch a break, palmwine, fish, small chops, Jameson and all. The audience put a premium on their bellies, the same way they do with the music.

All-round artist, Idris King (wearing the Fela t-shirt), also performed his singles, “Cruise” and “Squad”. Checkout most of his works on SoundCloud and follow him on Twitter @Idrisking_

The crowd filled up every point in the venue and at this point there were clamours for the main men, SDC, to come on stage. This would not happen until later in the event. Regardless, the crowd continues to have a good time as their other favourites perform.

Former Chocolate City rapper, Milli, gave one of the most delightful moments at the concert. The rapper began his performance with so much energy and has so much on his body. By the time he left the stage, he had only his t-shirt and pants on as he gave out his sneakers, wristwatch and jewelry during his performance. The artist performed a rather groovy, “Olabunmi”. Milli promises to come full throttle in 2018. Watch out!

Milli watches as a female concert-goer take off his gold bracelets. The thing does not come off easily and the lady, sensing that she is impeding his performance, let him go after a brief moment.

D-O puts in his all into all of his performances and this mien transfers to his audience at the very first point of contact. Follow D-O on IG @prettyboydo and Twitter @prettyboydo

D-O in his full element during his performance of his well-known single, “Footwork” at the Palmwine Music Fest 2017.
Funbi’s performance of his single, “Hallelujah”, is so good the audience starts to sing along in no time.

Funbi and Ladipoe perform the hit single, “Adore Her”, off The Collectiv3 album, and the moment is golden for a lot of reasons.

“You’re now rocking with the SDC, Show Dem Camp omo yes indeed!” Is there an opening so fly as this?

Show Dem Camp performing songs off their latest “Palmwine Music Vol. I” album.

The crowd are so excited for Bez’s performance that they continue to sing his “Zuciya Daya” and “Stupid Song” as if they were there when he recorded the songs.

Super producer,Ikon (in red top), perform the groovy and avant-garde “Solomon”. At the tail of the whole performance fresh boy Lynxxx emerges to a massive applause from the audience. His performance of 2010 superjam, “Change Your Parade” starts a fire that even the cold of the night cannot quench.
Black Magic, MI, Ajebutter22, and BOJ also performed. MI’s performance would also be one of the most memorable at the event, not because he the crowd were not expecting him, but because of the new vibe he brought.