Dice Ailes says Chocolate City music has changed from what music fans knew it to be long ago.

The singer made this remark in an interview with The Koffee Gang on Hot FM radio while reacting to MI’s gesture to reach out to the old aggrieved ex-Chocolate City boys in a recent video title, “Brother”.

Dice Ailes stated that artists signed to Chocolate City now have an individual look to them compared to the earlier generation of Chocolate City stars.

“I think it’s a total different structure from what it is back in the day,” Dice Ailes said.

“I think now the artists are more independent. We can stand outside the ‘Choc boy’ umbrella: I can be Dice Ailes outside the label. The structure just sort of enables you to be that.”

Ailes said he would rather be part of the present crop of Chocolate City artists than be part of the defunct Choc Boys group.