It’s like the Collectiv3 had a collective brainwave and decided it was time to let the world hear what they’ve been cooking up individually.

Poe has been gradually building anticipation for his debut EP with new music and live performances, Tec is always good for a guest feature any day, while Funbi is out here killing covers like they did something to him. Not to be out done by her cohorts,Temi Dollface has released new music too. “Beep Beep” is the singer’s newest single and it came with a brand new video.

The video was shot by director James Slater and is every bit as extravagant as you’d expect a Temi video to be. Shot in a 30’s-themed Cabaret in a nightclub setting, Temi takes the viewer on a journey through her Joy Division, “where mystery and magic abound”. Fancy costumes, enchanting dancers and brilliant solo performances from Temi herself, it’s a video that gives you a glimpse into what goes in the eclectic singer’s head. Good luck understanding what you see.

The record itself is not a feel-good record but it’s what I like to call a feel-better record. It’s like a self-confidence manual, a reminder that you are every bit as awesome as you feel you are. I don’t mean to say I’m the ish, but then again, if I don’t say it, who will?

When I’m bad, I’m very good /
And I still maintain my halo /

Temi doesn’t need any help blowing her own trumpet, good music speaks for itself. I’m just going to make it louder so that the people in the back will hear.