On the first edition of its monthly digital release, FAB Magazine made a big splash – God forgive me for these toilet jokes – by releasing a picture of Wizzy Baba on his porcelain throne, rolling up £20 denominated toilet paper, with his black trousers covering part of his sheen and a colorful sweater protecting the rest of the real estate.

Wizkid – Fab Magazine
This picture gave “Expensive Sh!t” a whole other meaning but a debate ensued afterwards – is this a bold attempt to push art and expression forward or a downright distasteful photograph?
First some context, Obi Somto, the brilliant photographer behind the camera, was probably the mastermind behind this pose. Obi’s photography style is eclectic and he’s a man renowned for pushing the envelope on what’s deemed culturally acceptable by exploring nudity and using the female form for symbolism in his work. Obi has used himself as a subject for this type of photograph before, so there’s a precedence. Phyno and Tee Billz have also taken pictures of this nature on their own but those were probably more for shock value than for art value.

Top – Obi Somto, Left – Phyno, Right – Tee Billz (Instagram)
Wizkid’s picture is shocking too but after we’ve gotten over that initial bump, there’s an art discussion to be had. The singer has polished his imagery in recent months. Crisp, well-manicured photographs and videos are plastered across his social media pages and document the singer’s rise and rise. Wizkid has upgraded the pictorial representation of his brand, so this picture is at odds with what seems to be his general direction, I’m curious to find out how long ago the shoot was done.
The picture itself is a meeting point between tame, male boudoir photography and good ole potty humor. Wizkid was styled by Jekwu the Stylist and there’s a heavy touch of extravagance already but if you get the full issue of the magazine, there’s even more. That potty picture becomes animated – there are even more pound notes but they are falling into the bathtub this time. Then there’s another picture of Wizkid, fork and knife in hand, at the dinner table with wads of Naira in his plate and half of his tongue waiting outside his body to greet them. Eat Naira, quickly defecate and then wipe with Pounds, I’m getting you.
The toilet jokes again, dear God.
I was hoping the interview titled “In Bed with Wizkid” will help contextualize the picture but after reading through, I was left wondering whether such a “safe” interview needed a risqué picture and title to go with it. I hope you read it too though, Wizkid talked about his new business ventures, why it’s hard for him to turn down some request for features and some advances from women, basically everything beside the actual photo.
So unfortunately without the proper narrative, this shot of Wizkid simulating the number two, with his riches on display is like a crying child without parents – no one knows whether to embrace it or ignore it because no one quite knows where it’s coming from.