Ladies, contrary to what your IG follower count tells you, the world revolves around the sun – not your face, not your bum, but the sun – full credit to Mr. Eazi for the crash course in astronomy. In another era and in another setting, his hit song “Holl Up” would have sparked a battle of the sexes or a conversation or something at the very least. Alas, even the stiffest feminist can’t help moving their body to the baseline whenever that song drops in the club.

So who’s going to tell Mr. Eazi how the ladies feel? Give them a piece of their mind. I remember when Sporty Thievz dropped “No Pigeons” in the late 90’s to let TLC know that the guy’s sitting on the passenger side of their best friend’s ride had heard them loud and clear. It was the first time I had ever heard of the outspoken, all-male group, it was the last time I ever heard of that out-spoken, all-male group.

Please allow me introduce you to someone who you certainly won’t be seeing for the last time, her name is Bella Alubo. She’s a rapper out of Jos, actually more than that, she calls herself Sarauniya’n Jos which translates to the Queen of Jos. With such confidence, it’s no surprise that she took it upon herself to respond to Mr. Eazi in a cover for “Holl up” and oh, did she do her thing!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

If a bum and a pretty face makes women feel invincible, young Bella feels men feel the same way when they have a little money in their wallet. The rapper things that attitude is just as bad.

Cos of gold chain, I should now off pant?

Cos of Louboutin, I should now chop sand?

Cos of eyeglass, you think you’re Falz the Bahdguy?

Cos you get Range, I should now come and die?

The record is a balance of humor, self deprecation and some pretty neat rapping. The young emcee is certainly one to watch. She released, her first EP sometime ago, while her follow-up project Bella 2.0: Lucid Dreaming is coming soon. I can’t tell you what’s the holl up with its release, I can only tell you that this cover has been on repeat since I came across it last week. Bella isn’t the finished product yet though but there’s enough for us to know that she won’t go the Sporty Thievz way and disappear after standing up for her gender. Get familiar.

[Update – 25th January, 2017]

Bella Alubo signing to Tinny Entertainment

Bella Alubo signed a record deal with Tinny Entertainment, home of rapper Ycee.