The tenets of being a well-rounded singer and an engaging performer are drilled into contestants in the boot camp-esque environments of many talent shows. While...
MI started a fire today with his comeback single "You Rappers Should Fix Up Your Lives" causing mild panic in the Nigerian hip-hop space.
MI's sharp words se...
For an opening line, "I love hip-hop to death, I am Romeo in a bodybag" is as attention-grabbing as a beautiful lady in a red dress who came fashionably late fo...
There are bound to be different angles of portrayal when various people are asked to describe the city of Lagos. In a situation which hinges on personal truths,...
According to recurring anecdotes, immigrant African parents always push their children very hard, especially with respect to education and career paths. The ste...
In an interview with American music publication, Billboard last year, Lil Yatchy gleefully admitted that he honestly couldn’t name five songs by Tupac and Biggi...